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Act 5

Coming soon? 

SCENE 1 - Faust’s Study


[The lights rise on FAUST AND MEPHISTOPHELES entering the study, the former still somewhat supported by the latter. Faust sits down heavily in his chair, not bothering to take off his traveling cloak, and Meph sets down the two glasses of wine and fills them before leaving offstage to put Faust’s bags away. On the far side of the stage CORNELIUS, VALDES, AND BENVOLIO enter, unbeknownst to Faust.]


BENVOLIO: This is our moment, we must strike now.



CORNELIUS: Is it me or does he look more tired than usual…


VALDES: Not our problem at the moment, and soon enough it won’t be his either.


[They all look to Faust, who has fallen asleep at his desk, and the conversation begins to pick up speed]


BENVOLIO: Now listen to me, hide yourselves in the shadows there, and wait for my signal.


CORNELIUS: Whoever kills him will have gold and endless love!


VALDES: What can we do to aid you?


BENVOLIO: Hold him in his chair, and I’ll strike him from behind. I swear by God, I’ll take that villain’s head clean off his shoulders.


CORNELIUS: Your wish is our command. Come on, before he wakes up.


[They take their positions behind Faust and wait for Benvolio, who holds his sword in front of him]


BENVOLIO: Good sword, strike home, for the horns he gave me I’ll have his head anon!


[He rushes out, swinging his sword at Faust’s neck and making contact; Faust slumps over his desk, seemingly decapitated (idk how to make this illusion work but I think that’ll work)]


VALDES: His head’s off!


ALL: The Devil’s dead!!


CORNELIUS: He’s been justly rewarded for his wickedness now.


BENVOLIO: Not quite yet. Let’s add more scandal to his hated name and nail a pair of forked horns to his head, and leave it on the Duke’s doorstep for all to see.


VALDES: I can’t say I disagree...what about the body?


[FAUST opens his eyes and wrenches his body upward, seeming to reaffix his head onto his shoulders as B, C, and V yell and step backwards suddenly in shock. Faust stares at each of them in turn, dead in the eyes.]


FAUST: Hello, friends.




[Benvolio rushes towards him with another swing but in slow motion Faust catches the blade with his palm and gently places it to the side, as if by magic, before the scene resumes real time and Benvolio lunges forwards with the blade and loses balance as his blow hits only air, and he falls to the ground.]


FAUST: For this betrayal I will have your heads, and hands, and hearts, but count yourselves lucky; this is the least you owe me.


[He walks closer to them, intimidating, and B, C, and V shrink back]


You tried to kill me because you suspected me of working with the Devil, did you not?




Well? Speak!




FAUST: Well I have good news for you: you’re correct! Mephistopheles!


[MEPH enters and stands close behind Faust with a hand on his shoulder, waiting for his command]


[mockingly] On the other hand, maybe it’s not so good news for you…


You see, I made a deal with the Devil for 24 years of his service, or an extension thereof [a nod to Meph], in exchange for my soul. And friends, my soul has bought me more riches and wonders than you could ever hope to experience in your lives. And miserable lives they are, I might add, as demonstrated by your lack of self preservation. But I digress; the more pressing fact for you, I’m sure, is this one little detail: for those 4 and 20 years, I cannot die.


You could’ve hewn my flesh and bones as small as sand and it wouldn’t have changed a thing. With my sweet Mephistopheles by my side, nothing may harm my body or soul.


[He walks over to the desk and picks up a letter opener; Meph stays where he is, staring the 3 down with fire in his eyes. Faust points to each of them in turn with the blade.]


[To audience]

But onto whom shall I dish out my revenge…?


Him, who I humiliated with a pair of horns in front of the Duke? [BENVOLIO]


Him, the soldier who fought by my side, now turned against me? [VALDES]


Them, on whom I once placed my affections and considered my truest friend? [CORNELIUS]


[sing-songily, to something unseen by B, C, and V]


Oh Astaroth, Belimoth, Mephistopheles…


[FAUST steps out of the way as MEPHISTOPHELES raises both arms and the other 2 DEVILS enter. Cornelius, Valdes, and Benvolio are pulled towards Meph with their feet firmly planted, as if by magic, and with another gesture they drop to the ground, writhing in pain.]


I want you to put these traitors upon your fiery backs, and bring them to the utmost height of the Heavens, before pitching them headlong into the lowest pits of Hell. 


[He walks over and looks Benvolio in the eyes] 


I want to see them boil in sulfur and tar for eternity.


MEPHISTOPHELES: Faust...are you sure about this? Really?


[Faust falters a little upon seeing the concern on Mephistopheles’ face, but looks back to Benvolio and resolves himself]


FAUST: ...yes.




[With another gesture the 2 DEMONS come into the fray and grab at Benvolio and Valdes, bodily dragging them yelling and flailing off stage. Mephistopheles does the same for Cornelius, but not before giving him a long look of almost pity. Faust stands alone on stage for a while, picks up his wine without drinking any, and then puts it back down. He takes a seat at his desk like he did before, and is soon asleep. The lights shift from the dark blues of midnight to the colors of the sunrise, as dawn breaks and Faust wakes up groggily. He goes to the window, and sees the 2 DEMONS digging him a grave in a nearby park.]


FAUST: You! Stop that! I’m not dead yet, so you can put away your shovels and crawl back into Hell, and tell your master Lucifer “I. Live.


[He rushes outside to get rid of them]





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